I’m writing this blog post for a few reasons. First, I was promoted to Senior Engineer during a pivotal cultural shift at the company I work for (and tech industry in general). Second, I want to talk about the realities of working in tech, beyond the headlines and assumptions. But most importantly,
The Importance of Setting Goals
Where do you see yourself in 5 years? Setting goals is a fundamental step on the journey of personal and career growth. Goals provide us with direction, motivation, and a sense of purpose. They serve as a roadmap to help us reach our full potential and achieve the success we desire in both our
How to Get Your First Promotion
I had been working at Meta for ~8 months when my manager brought up the conversation about my first promotion. This didn't mean I was promoted, it meant my manager and I were going to work together to make sure I met all the requirements to move to the next level. Ten months after having this
My First Metaversary: What I Learned After 1 Year at Meta
A few weeks ago, I celebrated my very first Metaversary! That's what we call a work anniversary at Meta. Time flew by, it feels like just yesterday I was nervous about interviewing. In only 1 year, I've learned and grown so much as an engineer, team member and contributor. I put together a list of
The Importance of Financial Intelligence
As I see the progress of our first home being completed, I couldn't help but feel thankful for being financially intelligent when I started earning my own money. And because of that, I need to give credit where credit is due - my fiancé taught me everything I know today about personal finance.
A Message to Aspiring Women in Tech
Lately I've been feeling extremely grateful and humbled by all the women who have followed me on this journey. Especially for those who have reached out to share their own stories and how my story made a difference in theirs. That's what inspired this blog post. This post is dedicated to the